Code of Ethics


Code of Ethics

1. Don’t steal other’s lines. 2. No emotional disputes. 3. Don’t borrow money from each other or guarantee loans within the team. 4. Do not promote other businesses/business cards other than WV within the team. 5. The upline, downline and sideline must be respected. 6. Positivity should be passed downwards, and complaints should be passed upwards. 7. All groups must unite, respect each other and live in harmony. 8. Must comply with 3C principles.


3C Principles

Three C principles

3C Principle

1. Don’t Criticize
2. Don’t Condemn
3. Don’t Complain

Don’t Criticize, Don’t Condemn, Don’t Complain

These three sentences are to train our patience and tolerance. Treat others with tolerance. When you want to criticize or complain about others, Use caring instead. Caring for others means being able to compare your heart to your heart. See things from the other side’s standpoint.


Do the right thing

What’s right is to do the right thing Everything is based on righteousness, Although the start will be slower, But the journey will be smooth; You will be happy only if you go smoothly, and be happy to do it for a long time; It takes a long time to make big money! Economic freedom is only possible when you make a lot of money. Freedom will lead to extraordinary happiness.


Righteous, Straightness, Longevity

Righteousness will lead to Straightness,

Straightness will lead to Longevity


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