



Mar21 Mar31 Apr-10
Mar-22 Apr-01 Apr-11
Mar-23 Apr-02 Apr-12
Mar-24 Apr-03 Apr-13
Mar-25 Apr-04 Apr-14
Mar-26 Apr-05 Apr-15
Mar-27 Apr-06 Apr-16
Mar-28 Apr-07 Apr-17
Mar-29 Apr-08 Apr-18
Mar-30 Apr-09 Apr-19















































































































Aries March 21 (Jupiter. World)

Representative: Baja

Smart, straightforward personality, very organized; ambitious, ambitious, ambitious, talented and artistic, can create a great career.

The advantage is courage, dare to accept challenges; good at self-expression, organization and management ability.

Disadvantages are stubborn, childish, self-governing, not sociable, and too arbitrary in handling things.

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March 22 (Uranus. The Fool)

Representative: Andrew Lloyd Weber

Full of self-confidence, impulsive, and courageous; very rebellious and explosive; worship heroes, attach importance to honor and responsibility, and be competitive.

The advantage is that you know what you are after, and you can be full of energy and go all out.

The disadvantage is that it is too conceited, not easy to accept criticism, impatient, and too heavy on gains and losses.

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March 23 (Mercury Pope)

Representative: Akira Kurosawa

Very curious, like to think, research, eager to learn; like to make all kinds of friends, a wide range of people; impulsive, adventurous.

The advantage is that he has the spirit of experimentation, seeks truth from facts; has a wide range of interests, cares about others, and is good at socializing.

The disadvantage is that it is not calm enough, self-righteous, and it is not easy to accept other people’s opinions and opinions.

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March 24 (Venus · Lover)

Representative: Steve McQueen

Cheerful, romantic, idealistic personality, like to pursue a simple life; naive, childish, enthusiastic, loyal, and get along well with people.

The advantages are emotional and easily moved; open-minded, optimistic and simple, easy to get along with.

The disadvantage is that it is sensitive, unrealistic, and has high expectations, and it is easy to feel frustrated if it is not met.

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March 25 (Neptune, Chariot)

Representative: Elton. powerful

With rich imagination, dreams and creativity, full of energy, constantly seeking innovation and change; like to explore, take risks, and travel everywhere; very career-oriented and high-achieving.

The advantage is that they are energetic, dare to take on challenges, and are very independent; loyal and trustworthy.

The disadvantage is that it is too self-esteem, too picky about people and things; straightforward personality, easy to offend people.


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March 26 (Saturn · Justice)

Representative: Zhang Xinzhe

Enthusiastic, responsible, honest, upright, strong willpower and perseverance; naive, childish, cheerful personality, likes to simplify everything.

The advantages are fairness, justice, and sense of responsibility; practical and strong intuition.

The disadvantage is stubbornness, not easy to compromise; too serious, not easy to approach.


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March 27 (Mars Hermit)

Representative: Maria. Kelly

Ambitious, full of enthusiasm, impulsive, strong willpower; strong learning ability, experimental spirit, good at development, creation and invention; shrewd, not easy to be deceived.

The advantages are rich knowledge, accurate judgment, strong ability, and can grasp social dynamics.

The disadvantage is that it is individualistic and difficult to get along with; it is not tolerant and does not give in easily.

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March 28 (Sun·Magician)

Representative: Raphael (painter) /span>

Candid, straightforward, lively, cheerful, very naive; has good communication and expression skills, and can persuade others; pays attention to privacy and does not like to be restricted or bound by others.

The advantage is that he is good at speaking, enthusiastic, and likes to help others; independent personality and active work.

The disadvantage is impulsiveness, lack of consideration, quite emotional, not stable enough.


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March 29 (Moon · Pope)

Representative: Sam. Walton (Wal-March t founder) /span>
The mind is meticulous and sensitive; the observation ability is very strong, very idealistic, attaches great importance to spiritual life; has good imagination and intuition ability.

The advantages are contentment and strong adaptability; faithful, trustworthy, and pleasant to get along with others.

The disadvantage is that it is subjective and stubborn; the ambition is not strong, and it is content with the status quo.

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March 30 (Jupiter, Queen)

Representative: Celine. Dion

Smart, unique, strong ambition, firm will; pay attention to their own image, love face; complex emotions, do things in their own way, do not listen to others’ orders.

The advantages are strong self-motivation and high desire for achievement; full of energy and dedication to work.

The disadvantage is that they are eager to be kind and put a lot of pressure on themselves; lonely and not good at communication.


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March 31 (Uranus·Emperor)

Representative: Haydn

Impulsive personality, hot-tempered, likes to argue; ambitious and energetic; strong ability, can deal with various problems.

The advantage is that it has the ability to lead and create, and it is not good to be lofty.

The disadvantage is that he is arbitrary, likes to control and direct others, and is prone to conflicts and arguments with people.


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April 01 (Sun·Magician)

Representative: Toshiro Mifune

Conscientious and persistent, strict self-discipline, hard-working and responsible; natural leaders, smart, strong communication skills, and strong self-esteem.

The advantage is that it has a strong ambition, and will go all out to achieve the goal and carry it out to the end.

The disadvantage is that they are workaholics, often overworked, overdrawn, and have no time to take care of other things.


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April 02 (Moon, Female Pope)

Representative: Andersen

Romantic, imaginative, and very idealistic; likes to talk to people about their dreams and views on the future; simple-minded, good and evil.

The advantages are honesty, simplicity, easy to get along with others; strong intuition, like to learn.

The disadvantage is that it is naive and unrealistic; stubborn and unwilling to accept criticism from others.

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April 03 (Jupiter, Queen)

Representative: Ma Long. Brando

Smart, with independent thinking and action ability; strong creativity, elegant, charming, very charming; straightforward personality, not hypocritical, not pretentious.

The advantage is that he understands human nature very well and has the ability to dominate others and the environment.

The disadvantage is that it is too self-centered, likes commanding and controlling others, and is too naive.

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April 04 (Uranus·Emperor)

Representative: Juhasi (author of Lover)

Bravery, quick action, strong creativity, strong ambition; will overcome all difficulties to achieve the goal that you want to pursue; make a decisive decision, be resolute and look forward, and change when you say it changes.

The advantage is that it is ambitious, energetic, and has a strong ability to create.

Disadvantages are impatient, impulsive, and rebellious; impatient and overbearing.


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April 05 (Mercury Pope)

Representative: Powell (US general)

Keen thinking, quick response, articulate, full of self-confidence; doing everything will be full of attention, and energetic, can work non-stop without rest.

The advantages are hard work, hard work, persistence in the end, and great achievements in career.

The disadvantage is that work comes first and ignores others; insist on self and never compromise.


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April 06 (Venus‧Lover)

Representative: John. Scully (founder of APPLE)

Like innovation and experimentation, can accept all kinds of novel ideas; perceptual, imaginative, good at socializing, popular; intelligent, able to find the best richness to solve problems.

The advantage is that it has foresight and can grasp future trends; it has the ability to innovate and seek new and changes.

The disadvantage is that there are too many ideas and it is unrealistic; it is highly subjective and it is not easy to accept the opinions of others.

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April 07 (Neptune, Chariot)

Representative: Coppola

Enthusiasm, energy, energy and creativity; adventurous, pursuing various dreams and challenges, trying new ways of life; loves to travel to increase knowledge.

The advantage is full of vitality and imagination, strong will, and can overcome all difficulties.

Disadvantages are short-tempered and easy to get angry; impatient and impractical.

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April 08 (Saturn·Justice)

Representative: Hou Xiaoxian

He is cold on the outside, hot on the inside, and has a heart of compassion; he likes to uphold justice, fight injustice, devote himself to public welfare activities, and care for others.

The advantage is that it has compassion and a sense of social justice, likes to help others, and helps the poor and self-suppression.

The disadvantage is that he likes to criticize and criticize, and it is easy to offend others; he is lonely and likes to suppress himself.

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April 09 (Mars Hermit)

Representative: Hefner (Playboy founder)

Ambition is great, full of drive, and he must surpass others in everything he does; he has a very good ability to turn ideals into reality and put them into practice; he is smart and wise.

The advantage is that it has strong willpower, works hard to promote work, and has good persuasion.

The disadvantage is that it is selfish and self-centered; stubborn and not easy to compromise.


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April 10 (Sun·Wheel of Fortune)

Representative: Stephen Seagal

Bold, adventurous, dare to pursue their own ideals; have good leadership and management skills, know how to use their professional knowledge, seize the opportunity and achieve success.

The advantage is that you can devote yourself to anything you do; you are full of courage and dare to accept all kinds of challenges.

The disadvantage is that they are impulsive, unable to settle down, and give themselves too much demand and pressure.

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April 11 (Moon‧Strong)

Representative: Jefferson

Has good social skills and management skills; gentle personality, imaginative; in any occasion, Wei occupies a dominant position.

The advantages are that they are good at planning and communication, have a good relationship, and have strong decision-making and judgment skills.

The disadvantage is that it lacks the grace to accept criticism, is not self-sufficient, and takes on too many responsibilities.


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April 12 (Jupiter Hanger)

Representative: David. Freeman (TV host)
Very concerned about the social and external environment; like to criticize current affairs, enthusiastically participate in public affairs, act as a spokesperson, state their own opinions, and attract the attention of others.

The advantage is that he cares about the society and is good at social activities; he is eloquent and can become a public figure.

The disadvantage is that it cannot objectively accept people’s opinions;

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April 13 (Uranus · death)

Representative: Akio Morita (founder of SONY)

Go forward bravely and be brave to create; not afraid of failure, stand up after falling down; rebellious personality, often take anti-traditional means to act; pay attention to privacy and be independent.

The advantage is that the willpower is very strong, has the ability to create, is bold and bold.

The disadvantage is loneliness, pride, self-righteousness, and do not like to communicate with people.

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April 14 (Mercury · Temperance)

Representative: Sullivan (Mr. Helen Keller)

Smart, lively, and sharp-minded; value traditional values and behavior, pursue perfection, and desire to be respected and worshipped; stress discipline and method, and value family.

The advantages are leadership and influence, concern for society, and focus on ethics.

The disadvantage is that they are conservative, lack innovation, and dare not accept changes or innovations.


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April 15 (Venus‧Devil)

Representative: Da Vinci

Possesses rich inspiration, creativity and artistic talent; pursues harmony and a perfect life; is knowledgeable and knows how to teach and inspire others.

Advantages are versatile, with leadership and organizational skills; good at planning and building new structures.

The disadvantage is that it is too serious, not cheerful enough, and likes to judge others with his own eyes.


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April 16 (Neptune Tower)

Representative: Chaplin

Full of dreams, many novel ideas, very idealistic; able to realize ideals, natural doers; humorous, witty, adaptable.

The advantage is that he is very funny and brings joy to everyone; he is generous and likes to help others.

The disadvantage is that he often neglects his family because he is too busy at work; he is sentimental and likes to indulge in the past.

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April 17 (ruler planet Mars)
Energetic and energetic zodiac sign. Personality and love are mostly "rambling", but there is no lethality in innocent personality, so don’t worry too much. br>
Advantages: solid position, firm will, responsible.

Disadvantages: difficult to reach, lack of money concept, connivance and laissez-faire.

Advice: Don’t be too critical of others, and don’t be too dependent on others’ approval. In addition to physical and sensory activities, also look for spiritual and spiritual activities. Take it easy and find something happy. Allow yourself to do easy things in addition to hard things.


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April 18 (Mars, Moon)

Representative: Malowich (Polish Prime Minister)

Full of sense of justice, likes to fight injustice, unwilling to compromise his own ideas when he is firm; very loyal to family and friends, has a strong sense of honor, and pays attention to his public image.

The advantages are that they attach importance to honor and responsibility, and are energetic and motivated.

The disadvantage is impulsive, unrealistic, ambitious, easy. conflict or quarrel with people.

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April 19 (Sun・Sun)

Representative: Paloma. Picasso (designer) /span>

Pursue all kinds of power, like to control and dominate everything; actively build their own business kingdom and system, like to make friends with people with power and status; full of vitality and creativity.

The advantages are ambitious, proactive, strong endurance and persistence.

The disadvantage is that the desire for control is too strong, it does not let others make decisions, and is unwilling to change.


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April 20 (Moon・Judgment)

Representative: Jessica. blue/span>

Has high leadership ability and strong ambition, and constantly drives himself; pursues high challenges and achievements, has good intuitive ability; is sensitive and imaginative.

The advantage is that they are energetic, competitive, unremitting, and not afraid of difficulties.

The disadvantage is that it is subjective, sensitive, emotional, and self-stressed.


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