抵扣略粟 | 款項 | |
零售價 | ¥199.00 | |
泰員價 | 15% | ¥169.00 |
泰商價 | 30% | ¥139.00 |

抵扣略粟 | 款項 | |
零售價 | ¥199.00 | |
泰員價 | 15% | ¥169.00 |
泰商價 | 30% | ¥139.00 |
Bodyspray 瞬間消滅致病微生物,包括細菌、病菌、鰴菌、芽孢、真菌等,男女老幼適用,精巧噴灑罐裝,方便隨身攜帶,是日常生活或居家殺菌消毒防護必備。
Bodyspray 能有效瞬間殺死650種致病微生物,只需輕鬆噴灑即可感覺效功迅速,外噴主治:狐臭、足癬(俗稱“香港腳”)、灼傷、燙傷、皮膚敏感、口腔潰爛、牙齦發炎、預防性病、頭皮屑、螺旋菌、傷口、痔瘡、暗疮、尿路感染(Urinary Tract infection)、宫颈感染(Yeast infection)等等。
BODYSPRAY rapidly eradicates microbes, including bacteria, virus, protozoa,algae and fungi. It comes as a spray for portability, and is suitable for aged 12 and above.
Bodyspray is able kill over 650 kinds of disease organisms while antibiotics only around half a dozen. Indications for external spraying: body odor, athlete’s foot (commonly known as ‘Hong Kong Foot’), burns and scalds, sensitive skin, eye sensitivity or infection, mouth ulcers, gum inflammation, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, dandruff,insect bites, spirochetes, wounds, hemorrhoid, acne , UTI and yeast infection.
Just spray liberally as and when required.