埃及金字塔 Pyramids of Egypt



Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt

360°, Egyptian pyramids, Part I. 4К video

Earlier we have published photo panoramas and the first part of 360° video of Pyramids Giza in Egypt. Now we present a second part of 360° video which continue to show us some interesting landscapes of this Wonder of the World…

早些时候,我们发布了埃及吉萨金字塔的全景照片和 360° 视频的第一部分。 现在我们展示 360° 视频的第二部分,继续向我们展示这个世界奇迹的一些有趣的风景……


360°, Egyptian pyramids. Part II. 4К video

AirPano team has already captured the Egyptian pyramids in 2011. But technologies have developed significantly since that time, in addition we started creating 360° videos. That’s why we wanted to photograph the great pyramids of Giza again.

AirPano 团队在 2011 年就已经捕捉到了埃及金字塔。但是从那时起技术有了显着的发展,此外我们开始制作 360° 视频。 这就是为什么我们想再次拍摄吉萨大金字塔的原因。


There are not so many monuments on Earth that are as famous and ancient as the Egyptian pyramids. “Everything in the world fears time, yet time fears the pyramids,” says the Arab proverb. Constructed in the Old Kingdom during the reign of the fourth, fifth and sixth dynasties, the pyramids have experienced the ups and downs of many civilizations and empires. And despite several centuries of research, these monuments have still preserved its secrets.

地球上没有那么多像埃及金字塔那样著名和古老的纪念碑。 “世界上的一切都害怕时间,但时间害怕金字塔,”阿拉伯谚语说。 金字塔建于第四、第五和第六王朝统治时期的古王国,经历了许多文明和帝国的兴衰。 尽管经过几个世纪的研究,这些纪念碑仍然保留着它的秘密。

Photo of the Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt

The Pyramid of Cheops, also known as the Great Pyramid of Giza or the Pyramid of Khufu, is the largest: it reaches a height of 138.5 meters, the sides of the base extend for 230.4 meters. Inside, there are three large rooms and many passages, shafts and tunnels. Above one of the galleries, a chamber being 30 meters long and about 2 meters high has been recently found. Its purpose has not been established, in the same way as the purpose of the Cheops pyramid itself: although it was built for this emperor, he was not buried inside it.

Cheops金字塔,也被称为吉萨大金字塔或胡夫金字塔,是最大的:它达到138.5米的高度,基地的两侧延伸230.4米。 里面有三个大房间和许多通道、竖井和隧道。 最近在其中一个画廊上方发现了一个长30米,高约2米的房间。 它的目的尚未确定,就像胡夫金字塔本身的目的一样:虽然它是为这位皇帝建造的,但他并没有被埋在里面。

In 2570 BC, the son of Cheops, Pharaoh Khafre (or Chephren), erected a pyramid nearby that rises at 136.4 meters. From certain angles, it seems higher but this is only an optical illusion which is explained by the steeper slope of the walls, as well as the location at the highest point of the necropolis of Giza.

公元前 2570 年,Cheops 的儿子 Pharaoh Khafre(或 Chephren)在附近建造了一座高 136.4 米的金字塔。 从某些角度看,它似乎更高,但这只是一种错觉,这可以通过墙壁更陡峭的坡度以及吉萨墓地最高点的位置来解释。

Aerial image of the Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt

Behind it, there is the 62-meter pyramid of his son Menkaure. Legends say that such a modest size of the structure is explained by the short years of the pharaoh’s life; while Herodotus called him a fair and merciful ruler who, perhaps, did not want to exploit people’s force in vain. Either way, this is one of the numerous mysteries of the famous Egyptian pyramids.

在它的后面,是他儿子Menkaure的62米金字塔。 传说说,法老的寿命如此之短,可以解释这种结构的规模如此之小。 而希罗多德称他为公正仁慈的统治者,他或许不想徒劳地剥削人民的力量。 无论哪种方式,这都是著名的埃及金字塔的众多谜团之一。

Another outstanding monument on the Giza plateau is the Great Sphinx, the oldest surviving monumental sculpture on Earth. In ancient Egyptian art, the sphinx was an animal with the body of a lion and the head of a man. Pharaohs were often depicted as lions which symbolized the divinity of their rule. The Great Sphinx, created around 2500 BC, was given a portrait resemblance to the then reigning Pharaoh Khafren and the monument itself was erected not far from his pyramid facing the Nile and the rising sun. The statue is 73 meters long and 20 meters high. In the past, there was a small sanctuary between the forepaws. From the middle of the 22nd century BC, the necropolis of Giza began to fall into desolation, and the desert occupied the space. The Sphinx was buried up to the shoulders with sand and was completely dug up only by the middle of the 20th century so that now we can admire this stunning monument shown in the AirPano panoramas.

吉萨高原上另一座杰出的纪念碑是大狮身人面像,这是地球上现存最古老的纪念碑雕塑。 在古埃及艺术中,狮身人面像是一种具有狮子身体和人头的动物。 法老经常被描绘成狮子,象征着他们统治的神性。 公元前 2500 年左右创建的大狮身人面像被赋予与当时在位的法老哈夫伦相似的肖像,纪念碑本身建在离他的金字塔不远的地方,面朝尼罗河和冉冉升起的太阳。 雕像长73米,高20米。 过去,前爪之间有一个小小的庇护所。 从公元前22世纪中叶开始,吉萨的墓地开始变得荒凉,沙漠占据了空间。 狮身人面像被沙子埋到肩部,直到 20 世纪中叶才被完全挖掘出来,现在我们可以欣赏 AirPano 全景图中显示的这座令人惊叹的纪念碑。

Aerial image of the Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt

The Giza plateau is located not far from Cairo: in fact, it found itself on the southwestern outskirts. The city expands and approaches ancient monuments, creating a striking contrast between history and modernity.

吉萨高原距离开罗不远:事实上,它位于西南郊区。 这座城市不断扩张并靠近古老的纪念碑,在历史与现代之间形成了鲜明的对比。


